Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications

Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications is a multidisciplinary field that combines principles of engineering, physics, mathematics, and material science to create functional and efficient mechanical systems. It encompasses the process of designing, analyzing, and manufacturing machines, ranging from simple mechanisms to complex systems used in various industries and applications. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications[NTS]: ISSN: 0973-418X aims to gather high-quality empirical and theoretical contributions that focus on new trends and advancements in the field of Machine Design. Moreover, the field of Machine Design has witnessed interdisciplinary collaborations, as researchers from various domains have recognized its significance in addressing real-world challenges.  Machine design is a dynamic and evolving field, driven by advancements in technology and industry requirements. With the rise of automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT), machine designers are facing new challenges and opportunities.  Know More.
Manju Singh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, India
📝Topics of Interest:
  • Mechatronic Design
  • Kinematics of Machines
  • CAD/CAM/CAE Technology
  • Machine Manufacturing Processes
  • Fatigue and Failure
  • Brakes, Clutch, Gears, and Springs Design
  • Screws, Rivets, and Pins
  • Machine Learning Algorithms

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Paper Submission Procedure:
All papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Manuscripts should be submitted through the Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. Please ensure that you adhere to the Journal’s formatting guidelines.
📅Important Dates:
Open for submissions: 1st of July 2023 Closing date: 15th of July 2023
For detailed submission instructions, please visit the Instruction for Authors and Author Guidelines Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, our editorial team is ready to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] We are here to support you throughout the submission process. To discontinue email communications from NTS, you can unsubscribe.