Welcome To APID -Academic Publishing and Information Database

About APID

APID stands for Academic Publishing and Information Database. It is an innovative academic network for researchers, scholars, academicians, and students. This platform helps you establish an academic profile, network with peers, collaborate, and share research results broadly. APID allows researchers, scholars, academicians, faculties, and students to showcase their contributions to the research community and broadcast their ideas to others.

APID facilitates immediate access to research results and offers academic networking opportunities. It organises your academic accomplishments, experiences, and skill development.

APIDs allows researchers to update all their published articles and research all at once, update their academic achievements, review articles, and update comments from around the world.

The potential of APID in publishing journals is radically changing the publishing landscape. APID aims to establish an extensive network of peers and colleagues that can help you find relevant publications, and conferences as well as keep you informed about the latest events within your network.


APID ensures that researchers get better visibility and an overarching view of a particular field and uncover trends and connections within their own.


APID aims to create a world where all researchers and scholars are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions globally.

Our Values

APID is a vital component of the global digital infrastructure that enables researchers to share information. Our approach is centered on the researchers.

Our Plan

APID plays an essential role in researchers' and members' research experiences, and we strive to build commitment and engagement with it. Our member organizations are encouraged to engage with us as they plan their own work and activities.

It is done by:

  • Increasing the value of membership
  • Increasing the Value of Research for Researchers
  • Expanding global participation
  • Maintaining Trust and Integrity

Integrity and Openness

APID is committed to openness, transparency, and non-proprietary work.

Decisions are made collaboratively by staff, the board, the community, our supporters, and the researchers we serve.

Intending to provide clarity in the breadth of research contributions and the people who make them, APID strives to be a trusted component of research infrastructure. A vision of identifier-enabled research information infrastructure guides us in ensuring privacy and researcher control.  

Why Signing In is imperative?

A question may arise “Why are researchers asked to sign in to their APID account when they make a connection?” or “Why can’t users just copy and paste their other ID or resume into a system?” The reason why signing in is so imperative. The first benefit is that researchers have control over their accounts once they sign in - it helps them remain in control of their personal information. The second benefit is that, once a 

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Principles of our Founding

  • There will be no boundaries between disciplines, geographical regions, nationalities, or institutions in APID.
  • By enabling reliable attribution of authors and contributors, APID aims to create a permanent, clear, and unambiguous record of research and scholarly communication.
  • Any organization interested in research and scholarly communication can participate in APID.
  • Creating, editing, and maintaining APIDs and records will be free for researchers.
  • Researchers will control access and privacy settings for their own APID records and data.
  • All software/versions developed/updated by APID will be publicly released under an Open Source Software license approved by the Open Source Initiative.
  • Both APID and recorded data (subject to privacy settings) will be made available for free. Any fees will be set to ensure the sustainability of APID as a non-profitable, charitable organization focused on the long-term persistence of the APID system.
  • APID will strive for maximal transparency by publicly posting summaries of all Board meetings and annual financial reports.

Eligibility, Responsibilities and Benefits for



  • Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


  • Review submitted manuscripts.
  • Advise on journal policy and scope.
  • Identify topics for special issues, which your can guest edit.
  • Attract talented authors and submissions.
  • Promote the journal to your colleagues and peers.
  • Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions.


  • Enhance academic influence and enrich your resume
  • Receive a Certificate for acknowledging your contributions to the journal.
  • Get your name listed on the journal website.
  • Get access to the latest research in advance as well as the most relevant contacts in your field.
  • Get to know other scholars in your field and broaden academic connectivity.
  • Enjoy special offers on Article Processing Charges.
  • Corresponding Authors


    • The corresponding author should be one who has done most of the work.
    • The corresponding Author should be able to carry out corrections advised by the reviewers.
    • The corresponding author is the person who has complete knowledge of the study and provides intellectual supervision as well as the ability to reply to the queries of readers.


    • Responsible for the manuscript as it moves through the entire publication process
    • The "timekeeper" during each phase of the publication process
    • The primary contact between the journal and all the other authors of the paper
    • Responsible for ensuring that all authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before submission
    • The person who uploads the manuscript to the online submission site, or sends it to the journal for peer review
    • Responsible for distributing communications from the journal (e.g., decision letters, reviewers’ reports).


  • Enhance academic influence and enrich your resume.
  • Receive a certificate acknowledging your contributions to the journal.
  • Get your name listed on the journal website.
  • Get access to the latest research in advance as well as the most relevant contacts in your field.
  • Get to know other scholars in your field and broaden academic connectivity.
  • Enjoy special offers on Article Processing Charges.
  • Editorial Board Members( Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Section Editors, Advisory Board Members)


    • Ph.D. or proven experience in the area of current and future sciences.
    • Must have at least 5/10 years of experience in a specific area of Science after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree. 
    • Minimum 13+ years of teaching experience
    • At least 10 International Research paper publications.
    • Have a track record of managing editorial teams.
    • Capable leader with good writing and research abilities.
    • Quite good at interacting with people and communicating.


  • Hiring and developing writers, junior editors, and senior editors.
  • Approving the publication's layout, design, style, and tone.
  • Develop editorial boards for upcoming publications, issues, and campaigns in close collaboration with the team.
  • Make final judgements regarding which articles, images, and graphs to publish.
  • Reviewing written content for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Ensuring that all copies adhere to the editorial approach and have the appropriate voice, context, balance, and clarity.
  • Fact-checking information in articles and stories
  • Providing suggestions for edits when needed
  • Writing editorial pieces to contribute to the publication
  • Developing and managing budgets for the editorial team
  • Attending meetings with the publisher or publication board to discuss issues and plans for the publication
  • Benefits

  • Enhance your academic influence and enrich your resume.
  • Receive a Certificate for acknowledging your contributions to the journal.
  • Get your name listed on the journal website.
  • Get access to the latest research in advance as well as the most relevant contacts in your field.
  • Get to know other scholars in your field and broaden academic connectivity.
  • Guest Editors


    • A reviewer must hold a Ph.D. degree and should normally have an H-index above 10. Peer review of special issue papers will be conducted by eminent reviewers who are completely independent.
    • Reviewers will not be selected from the contributing authors or from among the Guest Editors.
    • Final editorial decisions on all Special/Regular Issue submissions will be decided by the Editors-in-Chief.


  • The guest editor is responsible for ensuring the timely submission of all proposed contributions at every stage of the review and publication process.
  • A Special Issue editor is entitled to make final decisions regarding the acceptance and rejection of manuscripts.
  • The guest editor must provide authors with a preliminary editorial review of all proposed manuscripts for thematic coherence, substantive contribution, and journal format before submission.
  • The special issue requires a minimum of ten articles and you should plan accordingly.
  • Benefits

  • Improve their academic profile and mark them out as influential within your discipline
  • Guests can customize their profiles on the website according to their preferences and the Lead Guest Editor has complete freedom and flexibility.
  • Increase the visibility and impact of work published in the Special Issue.
  • Being at the forefront of scientific communication
  • You will be given a certification for handling Special Issue and you will also be entitled to get Scientific Credits.
  • Reviewers


    • Being a peer reviewer opens doors to incredible opportunities
    • Peer review services will enhance your knowledge of professional standards and quickly earn the respect of your peers.
    • Certificate will be provided to the Reviewers for their contribution to the journal.
    • Reviewers' names will be listed on the journal website.
    • Enjoy special offers on Article Processing Charges if you want to publish your papers in the journal.


  • Review 2-3 manuscripts a year.
  • Return the review results within 2-3 weeks.
  • Provide complete and detailed comments on submitted papers.
  • Serve a two-year term and may be re-appointed for another term.
  • Benefits

  • Ph.D. /Master's Degree and proven experience in the current and developing field of science.
  • Must have at least 2/5 years of experience in a specific area of Science after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree.
  • Minimum 10+ years of teaching experience.
  • Publication of at least 5 international research papers.