APID FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

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General Questions

Information about What is APID, How to register and use APID.

What is APID?

APID stands for Academic Publishing and Information Database. It's an innovative academic network designed for researchers, scholars, academicians, and students.

How to register on APID?

The process of registering your APID can be completed online and should not take more than a minute of your time. Your APID record will be under your ownership, and once you have registered, you can easily update or add information to it by logging in to your account. Additionally, you have the option to authorise others to modify your record on your behalf.

  • Go to "Sign Up" and input your name and email address (your email address used for academic publications is preferred) to register.
  • Click on agree and join and Make sure you look for a welcome message from APID asking you to verify your email address. If you don’t see it in your main email inbox, check your spam or junk folder.
  • Once you verify your email and login to APID, You’ll get the window where you’ll have to update the required profile information to complete the profile.
  • Click on My Profile tab to edit your profile, enter all the required details and click on update.
  • Once you have updated all the details, you can save your profile.

Is APID a Unique Identifier?

Yes, APID serves as a unique identifier within the Academic Publishing and Information Database. When you create an account on APID, you are assigned a unique identifier, commonly associated with your profile. This identifier helps distinguish you within the APID community, facilitating easy search and connection with other researchers, scholars, academicians, faculties, and students. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that your academic contributions and profile are accurately attributed and recognized within the APID network. Your APID identifier is a key element that contributes to the platform's efficiency in organizing and showcasing academic accomplishments, experiences, and skill development.

How can APID benefit me as a researcher?

APID provides a centralized platform for showcasing your academic profile, connecting with peers, collaborating on research projects, and sharing your contributions with the global research community.

Why Should you register on APID?

Registering on APID offers a multitude of benefits for researchers, scholars, academicians, faculties, and students in the academic community. Here are compelling reasons to join APID:

  1. Networking Opportunities:

    • APID provides a platform for you to connect with like-minded professionals, fostering a robust academic network. Expand your contacts, collaborate on research, and engage in meaningful discussions.
  2. Showcase Your Work:

    • Create a comprehensive academic profile to showcase your research contributions, experiences, and skill development. APID offers a centralised space for you to present your work to a broader audience.
  3. Immediate Research Access:

    • Share your research findings on APID for immediate access by the academic community. Accelerate the dissemination of your work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.
  4. Collaboration Made Easy:

    • Collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and peers on research projects. APID's collaborative tools facilitate efficient communication, document sharing, and project management within the platform.
  5. Personalised Research Feed:

    • Stay updated on the latest developments in your field through APID's personalised research feed. Receive recommendations based on your interests, ensuring you never miss relevant publications or discussions.
  6. Organised Academic Accomplishments:

    • APID helps you organise your academic achievements, making it easier for you to present a comprehensive view of your contributions to the research community. Showcase your accomplishments with clarity and impact.
  7. Analytics for Impact Assessment:

    • Gain insights into the impact of your research with APID's analytics. Track views, downloads, and engagement with your work, empowering you to measure the influence of your contributions.
  8. Participation in Academic Discussions:

    • Engage in academic discussions, forums, and groups on APID. Contribute to the exchange of ideas, seek advice, and collaborate with peers who share your research interests.
  9. Flexible Privacy Controls:

    • APID offers flexible privacy settings, allowing you to control who can access your academic profile and research. Customise your visibility preferences to align with your comfort level.
  10. Enhanced Visibility and Recognition:

    • By joining APID, you increase the visibility of your research within the academic community. Build a reputation, gain recognition for your work, and contribute to the collective knowledge base.

How can I use APID?

To use APID, simply sign up for an account, create your academic profile, and start exploring features like networking, collaboration, and research sharing.

Can I change my email address associated with my APID account?

Yes, you can update your email address in the account settings to ensure you receive important notifications.

Account and Profile

How to add the works, affiliations and other information to your record, and Edit your Profile

How do I create an account on APID?

To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button on the homepage, fill in the required details, and follow the prompts.

Can I edit my academic profile information?

Yes, you can edit your academic profile information at any time by navigating to the "Profile Settings" section.

Getting started with your APID profile: What information should I include?

Begin by adding your academic accomplishments, experiences, and skill development. This forms the foundation of your academic profile on APID.

How do I verify my email address on APID?

Upon registration, a verification email is sent. Click the link in the email to verify your address and complete the registration process.

How do I add my academic affiliations on APID?

Navigate to your profile settings and look for the "Affiliations" section. Here, you can add and manage your current and past affiliations, providing a comprehensive view of your academic journey.

Can I link multiple affiliations to my APID profile?

Yes, APID allows you to link multiple affiliations. Simply add each affiliation separately, and they will be associated with your academic profile.

Can I include a biography on my APID profile?

Yes, you can include a biography in the "Biographical Information" section of your APID profile. Share details about your academic journey, research interests, and accomplishments.

What is my APID ID, and how is it used?

Your APID ID is a unique identifier for your academic profile. It helps distinguish you within the APID community and facilitates collaboration and networking.

Where can I find my APID ID?

Your APID ID is prominently displayed on your profile. You can also find it in the account settings.

How do I sign into my APID account?

Visit the APID homepage and click on "Sign In." Enter your credentials to access your account.

How do auto-updates work on APID, and how can they benefit me?

Auto-updates on APID save time by automatically syncing changes to your profile, ensuring your academic record is always up-to-date.

Can I highlight my peer review contributions on APID?

Absolutely! You can document your peer review activities in the "Peer Review" section of APID, showcasing your involvement in the scholarly review process.

How do I verify my peer review contributions on APID?

APID offers verification options for your peer review contributions. You can link to the journals or platforms where you conducted peer reviews to provide credibility.

How do I edit my biographical information on APID?

You can edit your biographical information by accessing the "Profile Settings" on APID. This allows you to keep your biography up-to-date.

Networking and Collaboration

How to connect with others, forming academic relationships, and collaborating on research projects, and engaging in collaborative efforts within the APID platform.

How can I connect with other researchers on APID?

Utilize the search feature to find researchers with similar interests and send them connection requests to expand your academic network.

Can I collaborate on research projects through APID?

Absolutely! APID provides collaborative spaces where you can invite other researchers to work on projects, share resources, and contribute to ongoing research.

Getting started with your APID profile: What information should I include?

Yes, APID serves as a unique identifier within the Academic Publishing and Information Database. When you create an account on APID, you are assigned a unique identifier, commonly associated with your profile. This identifier helps distinguish you within the APID community, facilitating easy search and connection with other researchers, scholars, academicians, faculties, and students. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that your academic contributions and profile are accurately attributed and recognised within the APID network. Your APID identifier is a key element that contributes to the platform's efficiency in organising and showcasing academic accomplishments, experiences, and skill development.

Research Sharing

Process of contributing to the collective knowledge base by making research results accessible to the academic community.

How do I share my research on APID?

Upload your research findings in the "My Publications" section. Ensure your profile settings allow others to view your publications for broader dissemination.

Is there a specific format for uploading research papers?

APID supports various file formats. You can upload research papers in commonly used formats such as PDF, DOC, or others.

How can I showcase my published works on APID?

In the "My Publications" section, you can upload and showcase your published works on APID. This allows you to present a comprehensive portfolio of your research contributions.

How do I delete a publication that is not mine?

If you've mistakenly added a publication that is not yours, go to the "My Publications" section and use the delete option next to the respective publication.

How do I claim authorship for a particular publication?

If a publication is attributed to you inaccurately, click on the publication in the "My Publications" section, and there should be an option to claim authorship. Follow the prompts to correct the authorship details.

Does APID support various publication formats?

Yes, APID supports various file formats for publications. You can upload documents in commonly used formats such as PDF, DOC, or others.

How can I manage my publications?

In the "My Publications" section, you can manage your publications by editing, categorizing, or updating their details. This is also where you can control the visibility settings.

Where can I check my publication list?

Your publication list is accessible in the "My Publications" section of your profile. It provides a comprehensive view of all the research contributions you've added.

Why are some of my publications automatically listed in my profile while others are not?

APID may automatically retrieve some publications based on indexing sources. You can manually add any missing publications in the "My Publications" section.

Privacy and Security

Privacy settings, data security measures, and the user's ability to manage who can access their academic profile and research.

Is my data secure on APID?

Yes, APID takes privacy seriously. Your data is encrypted, and we follow industry-standard security measures to protect your information.

Can I control who sees my academic profile and research?

Yes, you have control over the visibility of your academic profile and research. You can customize privacy settings in your profile.

How can I control who sees my academic profile and research on APID?

APID offers visibility settings, allowing you to customise who can access your academic profile and research.


Technical issues, problem-solving, and assistance with any challenges, provide support and solutions for users facing difficulties.

I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

Click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. Follow the instructions sent to your registered email to reset your password.

I'm experiencing technical issues. How can I get support?

Visit our "Help Centre" page or contact our customer support team at [email protected] for assistance.

I am not receiving emails from APID for my password reset. What can I do?

Check your spam folder and ensure that emails from APID are not being blocked. If the issue persists, contact our support team at [email protected].

I have more than one APID ID. What should I do?

Contact our support team at [email protected] to merge or manage multiple accounts. They will assist you in ensuring a unified academic profile.

I lost access to my previously registered email. What can I do?

Update your email address in the account settings or contact our support team at [email protected] for assistance in updating your account information.

I forgot which email address my APID profile is associated with. What can I do?

Reach out to our support team at [email protected] for assistance in recovering your account information.

I am not sure if I already have an APID ID. How can I check?

Use the "Forgot Password" link on the login page with your possible email addresses. If you have an account, you will receive a password reset email. If not, you can proceed to create a new account.

I'm experiencing technical issues. How can I get support?

Visit our "Help Centre" page or contact our customer support team at [email protected] for assistance with any technical issues.

Usage and Features

Overall functionality of the platform and how users can leverage its features to enhance their academic experience.

Is APID free to use?

Yes, APID offers a free basic membership.

What distinguishes APID from other academic platforms?

APID provides a unique blend of networking, collaboration, and immediate research access, making it a comprehensive platform for academics to showcase their work.

Can I import my existing academic profile from other platforms to APID?

Currently, APID doesn't support direct import, but you can manually input your academic details to create a robust profile.

Community Engagement

Engaging in academic discussions, joining forums, and participating in groups where users can interact and share insights.

Are there discussion forums or groups on APID?

Yes, APID includes discussion forums and groups where you can engage in academic conversations, seek advice, and participate in topic-specific discussions.

How can I stay updated on the latest research in my field through APID?

APID provides a personalized feed based on your interests, ensuring you receive updates on relevant research, publications, and activities within your academic network.

Account Management

About account creation, updating account information, and other general account-related functionalities.

Can I delete my APID account?

Yes, you can deactivate or delete your account through the account settings. Keep in mind that this action may result in the loss of your data.

What happens if I change my email address?

Update your email address in the account settings to ensure you receive important notifications and maintain seamless access to your APID account.

Can I use social media accounts for APID login (Single Sign-On)?

Yes, APID supports Single Sign-On (SSO). You can use your existing social media accounts for a seamless login experience.

I accidentally created a duplicate APID account. How can I merge them?

Contact our support team at [email protected] to request assistance in merging duplicate accounts.

How do I change my title and name?

Access your "Profile Settings" from the account menu. Here, you can edit your title, name, and other profile information.

I am serving for more than one institute; can I add additional institutions?

Yes, you can. Navigate to the "Institutions" section in your profile settings and click on "Add Institution." Provide the necessary details for each institution you're affiliated with.

How do I add/edit my career information?

Under the "Career Information" section in your profile settings, you can add or edit details related to your academic and professional journey.

What do I do if I suspect unauthorized access to my APID account?

If you suspect unauthorized access, change your password immediately. Contact our support team at [email protected] for further assistance.

How can I update my academic profile information on APID?

Navigate to "Profile Settings" to update your academic profile information, including achievements, experiences, and skills.

Is there an option to customize the visibility of my academic profile?

Yes, APID provides customizable privacy settings. You can control who can view your academic profile and research contributions.

Where can I find my account Settings?

Navigate to the top-right corner of the dashboard and click on your profile picture. From the dropdown menu, select "Account Settings."

How to change my password?

In "Account Settings," go to the "Security" tab. You'll find an option to change your password there.

How do I update my research keywords?

Visit the "Research Keywords" tab in your profile settings. Here, you can add, remove, or edit keywords associated with your research interests to enhance discoverability.

How do I add/change my photo?

To add or change your photo, go to the "Profile Settings" and select the "Profile Picture" tab. Upload a new photo or replace the existing one.

Collaboration Tools

Shared spaces, project management, and other collaboration-enhancing tools within the platform.

How does collaboration work on APID?

APID offers collaboration tools like shared document spaces and project management features. You can invite colleagues to collaborate directly within the platform.

Can I acknowledge collaborators in my research publications on APID?

Absolutely! APID allows you to credit and acknowledge collaborators when you publish your research findings.

Data and Analytics

Tracking the impact of research, accessing analytics on research visibility, and exporting data for various purposes.

Is there analytics or data on how often my research is viewed or downloaded?

Yes, APID provides analytics on the visibility of your research, including views and downloads, helping you understand the impact of your work.

Can I export data from APID for my records?

Yes, you can export your academic profile and research data for record-keeping purposes.