How to Join Us-Upgrade Role?

To get started on your academic journey, register on APID, our dedicated platform for creating and managing your academic portfolio. Once registered on APID, the user is defined as an Author by default, however if the user wish to contribute in any journal on various other roles such a Chief editor, section editor, guest editor, reviewer etc he/she needs to send an approval to us by filling a form. Learn about how you can join us as an Author, Editor, and Reviewer respectively.

1. Register on APID 

To get started on your academic journey, register on APID, our dedicated platform for creating and managing your academic portfolio.

For the steps to register on APID 


2. Find the Suitable Journal

Find the best suitable Journals according to the expertise you wish to contribute in. 

3. Check Eligibility

On contribution page, before proceeding to fill out the form, you can check the related eligibility criteria and further information based on different roles. Once you're logged in, you will get onto the Overview page where you can complete your profile.

Also, you can check further informations for:

4. Application Form

  • Once you're logged in, you will get onto the My Profie page where you can complete your basic profile that includes all the personal and professional informations along with the academic qualification and years of experience you have.
  • Once updated with the basic details you will be redirected to the application form to share all the required details to join STM's Editorial Board

Steps for filling the form

  • Journal: Choose the journal you wish to contribute in. You can select max upto 3 Journals.
  • Role: Your Role for the Journal will be predecided on the basis of your academic qualification and years of experience (such as Editor, Author, Guest Editor, Section Editor, Reviewer)
  • Academic Social Network Links: Update the links of your Academic Social Networking profiles such as APID (This is autofilled and autogenerated after you have updated your basic profile), ORCID, Google Scholar, Research Gate, SSRN.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): You must update your latest CV.
  • Photograph: You must update your passport sized photograph.
  • Signature with Seal: You must update your scanned signature.
  • Terms and Conditions: You must checkmark all the terms and conditions and consent mentioned in the form to be agreed upon before joining the editorial board.

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5. Become an Editor

Once you have completed the application form and attached all the necessary documents, kindly submit the form through the online submission system and rest assured, your application will be carefully reviewed by our team of experts. We aim to provide a thorough evaluation of your qualifications and ensure a fair selection process. You will receive a confirmation email once application is approved.

6. Topic Proposal

Once received an approval as an editor, you become eligible to contribute your responsibilities towards the journal you're enrolled in.

Apart from that you can also propose special issue topics.